Ctrl + M: What is this amazing keyboard shortcut for?

Written By Adarsh Shankar Jha

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You are probably familiar with the most common keyboard shortcuts, such as Ctrl + C for copy, Ctrl + V for paste, or Ctrl+Z to cancel. But did you know that there’s a keyboard shortcut that can have very different functions depending on the program you’re using? This is the Ctrl + M shortcut, which can save you time and productivity in various situations. In this article, we will introduce you to the main uses of this amazing keyboard shortcut.

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Ctrl + M: What is this amazing keyboard shortcut for? 8

Ctrl + M in an Internet browser

son iconIf you use Firefox as your Internet browser, the shortcut Ctrl + M allows you to mute or unmute the active tab. This is very practical if you want to watch a video or listen to music without disturbing the people around you, or if you want to pause audiovisual content without having to search for the corresponding button. Just press Ctrl+M to turn the sound on or off at any time.

Ctrl + M and Microsoft PowerPoint

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Ctrl + M: What is this amazing keyboard shortcut for? 9

If you use Microsoft PowerPoint to create presentations, the shortcut Ctrl+M allows you to insert a new blank slide after the one you selected. It’s a quick way to add content to your presentation without having to go through the Insert menu or the ribbon. You can then customize the slide however you like by adding text, images, graphics or animations.

Ctrl + M and Outlook

Microsoft OutlookIf you use Outlook as your email client, the Ctrl+M shortcut allows you to send and receive all your emails at once. This is a useful feature if you want to sync your inbox with the server and check if you’ve received new messages without having to click the Send/Receive button. You can also use this shortcut to send a message you just wrote without having to click the Send button.

Ctrl + M in Word and other text editors

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Ctrl + M: What is this amazing keyboard shortcut for? 10

If you’re using Word or other word processing software, the Ctrl+M shortcut allows you to increase the indentation of the paragraph you’ve selected or the cursor is on. It’s a simple way to change your text formatting and create paragraphs or bulleted lists. If you press this shortcut multiple times, you gradually increase the indentation. If you want to decrease the indentation, just press Ctrl+Shift+M.

Ctrl + M and Windows Media Player

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Ctrl + M: What is this amazing keyboard shortcut for? 11

If you use Windows Media Player as your media player, the Ctrl+M shortcut lets you show or hide the File menu at the top of the screen. This menu gives you access to various options, such as opening a file, saving a playlist, changing settings, or exiting the program. If you want to quickly access these options without using the mouse, just press Ctrl + M to make the menu appear or disappear.

Ctrl + M and Photoshop

adobe photoshop logoIf you use Photoshop as your image editing software, the shortcut Ctrl + M allows you to open the Curves window. This window allows you to modify the brightness and contrast of your image by adjusting a curve that represents the distribution of tones. You can thus create various visual effects, such as increasing the sharpness, dynamism or realism of your image. To use this shortcut, make sure you’re on a layer that supports curves, such as an image or adjustment layer.


What is the Ctrl + M keyboard shortcut?

The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + M is a key combination that can have very different functions depending on the program you are using. It can allow you to mute audio, insert a slide, send an email, increase indentation, display a menu, or open a window.

How to use Ctrl + M keyboard shortcut?

To use this keyboard shortcut, press and hold the Ctrl key and while holding down the M key. The function of the shortcut will depend on the program you are using at the time you press the keys.

In which programs can I use the Ctrl + M keyboard shortcut?

You can use the Ctrl+M keyboard shortcut in many programs, including Firefox, Microsoft PowerPoint, Outlook, Word, Windows Media Player, or Photoshop. Each program has its own function associated with this shortcut. For example, in Firefox it lets you mute the active tab, while in PowerPoint it lets you insert a new blank slide.

How to change or disable Ctrl + M keyboard shortcut?

If you want to change or disable the Ctrl+M keyboard shortcut for a specific program, you need to see the settings or options for that program. Some programs allow you to customize the keyboard shortcuts to your liking, while others do not give you this option. You can also use third-party software to manage your computer’s keyboard shortcuts.


As you can see, the Ctrl + M shortcut is a very versatile keyboard shortcut that can have very different functions depending on the program you’re using. It can help you manage audio, create presentations, send email, format text, access options, or edit images. We invite you to try this amazing keyboard shortcut and discover its benefits for yourself.

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