How to do (@) on Mac?

Written By Adarsh Shankar Jha

Arobase sur Mac 5

LARGE’in the (@) it is one symbol widely used in the digital world, especially for email addresses, social networks or computer passwords. But how to create a sign on a Mac keyboard? If you are used to a Keyboard Windowsyou may be confused by the how mac keyboard workswhich differs in some points.

Don’t panic, in this article we will explain how make ats on mac easy and fast.

Where is the sign on the Mac keyboard?

On a Mac keyboard, the at sign is at the top left, just above the key Tabulation. This is the third key position that also displays the symbols < και >. To access the sign, just press this key once.

How to type at symbol on Mac?

To type the at symbol on the Mac, there are two possible methods:

  • The first method consists of press the at key directly, located at the top left of the keyboard. This is the simplest and fastest method.
  • The second method is to use the shortcut keyboard Alt + 2. Hold down the Alt key and press the 2 key, located at the top of the keyboard, above the letter W. This method can be useful if you have an external keyboard or if you are using software that changes the keyboard layout.

How to make sign on Mac with a qwerty keyboard?

If you use a keyboard qwertythat is, a keyboard whose letter layout is different from his own French keyboard azertyyou will need to adjust your method type the at symbol on mac.

Indeed, on a qwerty keyboard, the at symbol is in the third position of the key that also displays the ” and ‘ symbols.

To access the sign, you must therefore use the keyboard shortcut Alt+G. You must hold the key Hold Alt and press the G keylocated in the middle of the keyboard, below the letter F.

How to check mac keyboard configuration?

If you meet difficulty typing on mark on mac, your keyboard may be configured in a language other than French. For check mac keyboard configuration, you can follow these steps:

  • Click on the menu apple at the top left of the screen and select System Options.
Mac System Preferences
Photo: Luviapp
  • Click the icon Keyboardthen on the tab Input methods.
Mac Import Methods
Photo: Consomac
  • Make sure the French box is checked in the list of input sources. If not, check it and deselect the other languages.
  • You can also click the + button at the bottom left to add other languages ​​if you want.
Mac Import Methods
Photo: Consomac
  • Close the System Preferences window.

This article may interest you : First use of @ in an email address

How to do when logging into Mac with a bluetooth keyboard?

If you use a bluetooth keyboard for your macthe manufacturing method in may vary depending on the model and brand of the keyboard.

In general, you should use the Alt or Option key, which is next to the Command key, and press the key that displays the at symbol. On some keyboards, the at symbol is on the 2 key, on others, on Q or G key.

You can also consult it bluetooth keyboard instructions to find the keyboard shortcut corresponding to the at symbol.

How to do on Mac with a numeric keypad?

If you have one built-in or external numeric keypad for your Mac, you can do it easily too. Just press the button Alt or Option and the 2 key on the numeric keypad.

This will give you the @ symbol without having to change the keyboard layout.

How to do on Mac with Arabic keyboard?

If you have set mac keyboard to arabicyou can do at keyboard shortcut Alt + 2. You need to hold down the Alt or Option key and press the 2 key, which is at the top of the keyboard, above the letter W.

You can also temporarily change the keyboard language to French by clicking the flag icon in the upper right corner of the screen and selecting French from the drop-down menu.

How to when login mac with english keyboard?

If you have configured your Mac keyboard to English, you can do so at using the Alt + G keyboard shortcut. It is necessary to maintain the Hold down the Alt or Option key and press the G keylocated in the middle of the keyboard, below the letter F. You can also temporarily change the keyboard language to French by clicking the flag icon at the top right of the screen and selecting French from the drop-down menu.

How to do on Mac with a MacBook Air?

If you have one MacBook air, you can do it the same way as on other Mac models. Just press the at key, located on the top left of the keyboard, just above the Tab key. You do not need to use the Alt or Option key to access this symbol.

How to do on Mac with a MacBook Pro?

If you have one MacBook ProYou can do the same way compared to other Mac models. Just press the at key, located on the top left of the keyboard, just above the Tab key. You don’t need to use it Alt or Option key to access this symbol.

How to do on mac with an iMac?

If you have one iMac, you can do it the same way as on other Mac models. Just press the at key, located on the top left of the keyboard, just above the Tab key. You do not need to use the Alt or Option key to access this symbol.

How to do on Mac with a Mac mini?

If you have a Mac mini, you can do this in the same way as with other Mac models. Just directly press the at key, located on the top left of the keyboard, just above the tap Tabulation. You do not need to use the Alt or Option key to access this symbol.

How to connect to Mac with Mac Pro?

If you have one Mac Pro, you can do it the same way as on other Mac models. Just press the at key, located on the top left of the keyboard, just above the Tab key. You do not need to use the Alt or Option key to access this symbol.

How to when entering Mac with Siri?

If you want to do on mac with Siri, you can use the voice command “Enter a mark in the“. First you must activate Siri by clicking the microphone icon at the top right of the screen or pressing and holding the button Series. Then you must clearly pronounce “Enter a mark in the” and Siri will write the @ symbol where the cursor is.

How to do when logging into Mac with voice dictation?

How to do when logging into Mac with voice dictation?
How to do (@) on Mac? 6

If you want to sign on mac by voice dictation, you can use the word “in the” to write the @ symbol. You must first enable voice dictation by clicking on the microphone icon in the menu bar or by pressing the button twice. Fn key. Then, you must clearly pronounce “in the” and voice dictation will write the @ symbol where the cursor is.

How to do on Mac with on-screen keyboard?

If you want to do on your Mac with the on-screen keyboard, you can use the Keyboard tool which displays a virtual keyboard on the screen. You must first enable the visual keyboard by clicking the keyboard icon in the menu bar or by going to System Options > Keyboard > Keyboard > Show keyboard and emoji viewers in the menu bar. Then you need to click the at key on the visual keyboard to write the @ symbol at the position where the cursor is.

How to do when logging in mac with selection control?

If you want to do when you enter mac with selection control, you can use the selection control tool that allows you to control your Mac with simple movements like head movements or blinking your eyes. You must first enable selection control by going to System Options > Accessibility > Selection control > Enable selection control.

How to do when logging in mac with selection control?
How to do (@) on Mac? 7

Then follow the on-screen instructions to shape gestures and actions. To do it in, you have to choose the action Keyboard and select the at key with the selected gesture.

How to fix an error on Mac?

If you have made a mistake on macfor example if you wrote a Invalid e-mail address or if you have mentioned someone by mistake you can easily correct your mistake. Just place the cursor where you want to remove the at symbol and press the Backspace or Delete key.

You can also select the indicator in with your mouse or your track pad and press the Backspace or Delete key. Then you can correct your mistake by writing the correct one on the mark or deleting the unnecessary entry.


You know now how to do it when signing on macwhether you have a azerty or qwerty keyboard. You just need to know the key or keyboard shortcut for that symbol.

You can also check your Mac keyboard configuration if you are unsure of the language being used. We hope that this article was useful for you and that you can now type itto mark on mac no problem.

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