How to reverse the back button on Android?

Written By Adarsh Shankar Jha

modifier la barre du bas sur votre smartphone Android 1

The back button is one of the most used elements on Android devices. Allows you to return to the previous screen, close an application or exit a menu.

But did you know that you can reverse the function of the back button to suit your preferences?

Here’s how to reverse the Android back button for three popular smartphone brands: Samsung, Huawei, and Xiaomi.

Why Reverse Back Button on Android?

There are several reasons why you might want to reverse the back button on Android. For example :

  • You are used to a different layout of the back button on another device or operating system.
  • You find that the back button is too far from your thumb or hand and you want to get closer to it.
  • You want to try an alternative, more intuitive user experience.

Whatever your motivation, toggling the back button on Android is an option that’s been around for a long time on some devices, but it’s not always easy to find or enable. That’s why we will guide you step by step to reverse Android back button for Samsung, Huawei and Xiaomi.

How to reverse Android back button for Samsung?

back button back samsung
How to reverse the back button on Android? 4

Samsung is one of the most popular Android smartphone brands. If you have a Samsung device, here’s how to reverse the back button on Android:

  1. Open your Samsung device settings.
  2. Tap Show.
  3. Tap “Navigation Bar”.
  4. Tap “Key Layout”.
  5. Select the Flip option to place the back button on the left and the recent apps button on the right.

You have now reversed Android back button for your Samsung device. You can test the effect by navigating through apps and menus. If you want to go back to the original layout, just repeat the same steps and select the ‘Standard’ option.

How to restore Android back button for Huawei?

back button back huawei
How to reverse the back button on Android? 5

Huawei is another brand that is popular among Android users. If you have a Huawei smartphone, here’s how to reverse the back button on Android:

  1. Open your Huawei device settings.
  2. Tap Accessibility.
  3. Tap “Layout Navigation Button”.
  4. Select “Switch back button” option to change the position of back button and home button.

You have now reversed Android back button for your Huawei device. You can check the change by using the back button to go back or go to the home screen. If you want to undo the change, just repeat the same steps and disable the “Reverse Back Button” option.

How to reverse Android back button for Xiaomi?

How to personalize Xiaomi 6 smartphone lock screen
How to reverse the back button on Android? 6

Xiaomi is a brand that is gaining momentum in the Android smartphone market. If you have a Xiaomi phone, here’s how to reverse the back button on Android:

  1. Open the settings of your Xiaomi device.
  2. Tap “Additional settings”.
  3. Tap on “Developer options”.
  4. If you don’t see this option, tap About Phone and tap MIUI Version repeatedly until you see a message telling you that Developer Options are enabled.
  5. Go back to Additional settings and tap on “Developer options”.
  6. Scroll down and tap “Reverse Back Key” to reverse the function of the back button.

Now you have reversed Android back button for your Xiaomi device. You can see the difference by using the back button to move forward in apps or to go back to the previous screen. If you want to restore the original configuration, just repeat the same steps and turn off the “Restore rollback” option.

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