How to test your VPN speed?

How to test your VPN speed?

Written By Adarsh Shankar Jha


Is your VPN slowing you down? Learn how to test your VPN speed and identify bottlenecks. Also learn tips to maximize your speed and enjoy a smooth, lag-free VPN experience.

Measure the VPN’s impact on performance

The first step is to determine how your VPN affects your connection speed. To do this, you need to run speed tests with and without the VPN enabled.

1. Run speed test without VPN

Enough Free online tools allow you to test your internet connection speed. Among the most popular are:

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Photo: Sam Singleton

Run a speed test and note the results, especially the pingdownload speed and upload speed.

2. Run a speed test with VPN enabled

Connect to your VPN and do another speed test on the same website. Compare the results with and without the VPN to determine the speed difference.

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Photo: Sam Singleton

Interpret the results

The second step consists in the correct interpretation of the results obtained

one. Ping: Ping measures latency, which is the time it takes for a signal to reach a server and back. High ping can affect online games and VoIP applications.

si. Upload speed : Download speed is important for streaming video, downloading files and browsing the web. A significant drop in download speed with VPN enabled may indicate server overload or bandwidth throttling.

vs. Shipping speed: Upload speed is less important for most users, but it can be important for people who share large files or use live streaming services.

Factors affecting VPN speed

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Photo: Sam Singleton

Several factors can affect your VPN speed:

  • The VPN server: The distance between your device and the VPN server, server load, and available bandwidth all affect speed.
  • The VPN protocol: The VPN protocol used can affect speed. More secure protocols like OpenVPN can be slower than less secure protocols like PPTP.
  • Encryption: The level of encryption used can also affect speed. Stronger encryption is more secure, but it can also be slower.
  • Your internet connection: The speed of your internet connection is the most important factor in determining the speed of your VPN.

Tips for optimizing your VPN speed

  • choose one VPN server near you.
  • Connect to a less busy VPN server.
  • Use one fastest VPN protocol, as IKEv2 the WireGuard.
  • Lower the encryption level if you don’t need maximum security.
  • Connection to a wired network instead of Wi-Fi.
  • Restart your modem and router.
wifi box
Man plugs internet cable into router socket. Fast and wireless internet concept
  • Update your router’s firmware.
  • Contact customer support for your VPN for help.


By following these tips, you can optimize your VPN speed and enjoy a smooth and secure online experience. Remember, speed isn’t the only factor to consider when choosing a VPN. Security, privacy and the features offered are also important. That’s why it’s important to choose a VPN that meets your specific needs. If you are looking for a fast, reliable and affordable VPN, we recommend that you check out our list of the 5 fastest, most reliable and affordable VPNs for 2024. This list will help you find the VPN that suits you best and enjoy an optimal online experience.

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