Instagram: Soon a “Friend Map” to track your loved ones?

Written By Adarsh Shankar Jha

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The mystery is over, Instagram is getting ready to copy Snapchat by launching its own friends card . This feature, currently in development, will allow users to see their friends’ locations on an interactive map, paving the way for new interactions and more accurate location sharing.

Function and confidentiality

According to screenshots shared by developer and feature hunter Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram’s “Friends Map” draws heavily from Snap Map. You will be able to:

  • Choose friends who can see your location in real time.
  • Enable “ghost mode” to temporarily hide your location.
  • Benefit from end-to-end encryption to keep your location data safe.
  • Leave notes on the map to let your friends know about your activities or your presence in a certain location.

A direct competitor to Snap Map?

The striking resemblance to Snap Map is undeniable. However, Instagram stands out for its much larger audience and its native integration with the app.

This “friend card” could thus become an essential communication tool for Instagram users, especially for organizing spontaneous meetings or sharing moments live.

For increased surveillance?

upload chat on instagram
Instagram: Soon a "Friend Map" to track your loved ones? 2

If the practical aspect of the “friend card” is undeniable, this function also raises questions of confidentiality.

Being able to track friends’ locations in real time can be disturbing, and it is important to consider the ethical and social implications of such increased surveillance.

Potential impact on social interactions

The arrival of Instagram’s “friend card” could have a profound impact on how we interact with each other.

By facilitating communication and coordination between friends, it could strengthen social bonds and encourage chance encounters. However, it is important to remain vigilant against the potential dangers of cyberbullying or unwanted tracking.

in conclusion

Instagram’s “friend card” is a promising feature that promises to be a real asset for communication and sharing between friends.

However, it is important to approach its use with caution and take ownership of your privacy settings to ensure a positive privacy-respecting experience.

# Key points to remember

  • Instagram is developing a ‘friend map’ similar to Snap Map.
  • This feature will allow you to see the location of your friends in real time.
  • Data privacy and security are guaranteed with end-to-end encryption.
  • The “friend card” could have a significant impact on social interactions.
  • Careful and responsible use is required to avoid possible abuses.

Check out our other articles on Instagram:

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