LittleBigPlanet 3 PS4 Servers Shut Down, Sony Confirms – PlayStation LifeStyle

LittleBigPlanet 3 PS4 Servers Shut Down, Sony Confirms – PlayStation LifeStyle

Written By Adarsh Shankar Jha

Sony Interactive Entertainment has confirmed that it has shut down LittleBigPlanet 3 PS4 servers “indefinitely”, months after being taken offline again due to technical issues. The servers were previously offline in September 2021, after which Sony shut down LittleBigPlanet online services for all games on PS3 and PS Vita. The PS4 version suffered the same fate.

LittleBigPlanet 3 PS4 servers were previously hacked but are back online

In September 2021, Sony spent months trying to combat hackers and technical issues plaguing all LittleBigPlanet games on PS3, PS Vita, and PS4. A decision was then made to disconnect the PS3 and Vita, but the LBP 3 PS4 servers successfully came back online. However, in January the issues resurfaced, with Sony saying at the time that the shutdown was temporary.

As a result of the latest decision, players have permanently lost access to other players’ creations. Only user-generated content stored locally on PS4 will remain accessible. Players can create new content, but they won’t be able to share it. LBP 3 can be played offline, but a big part of its charm was its online community. The game celebrated its ninth anniversary last November.

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