Modular or semi-modular power supply for your computer?

Written By Adarsh Shankar Jha

alimentation modulaire pc

Choosing a power supply is essential to ensure the proper operation of your computer. The better the quality of your device, the less you need to redo the configuration or change your computer. To achieve this, users should do everything possible to equip themselves with a high performance power supply tailored to their machine. What kind of power supply should you choose in this case? Whether articulated or semi-articulated, you should always ensure that you choose a device that will guarantee you satisfaction and excellent listening comfort.

So, whether you’re a novice or a power user, start by analyzing your actual needs, as well as those of your computer. So it will be easier for you to make the choice and get the best power supply for your machine. But before you take the plunge, there are some performance parameters that need to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. A careful examination before check out in order to offer you the best computer equipment available.

Modular or semi-modular power supply: which one to choose?

When you buy a power supply, you get all the necessary connectors to power it up. However, manufacturers have implemented a new concept that solves the needs for modularity in terms of connectivity expressed by customers. So, now we are talking about three types of power supplies, namely: modular power supplies, semi-modular power supplies and non-modular power supplies.

These designs allow all cables to be connected to the computer’s power supply and cannot be removed. The goal is that if the power supply connectors are more extensive than the user needs, the latter will end up with a lot of unused cables that will require careful arrangement to avoid them remaining in the case.

Modular power supplies offer detachable wiring. Here, the user is able to use the equipment they need, while also having easy assembly, cable management, and ventilation of the unencumbered case. In addition, if the chosen housing is personalized, you can choose other colored, coated or aesthetic cables.

here is ours comparison of the best modular PC power supplies.

As with cooling systems, there is also a middle ground in the computer power supply sector. We will talk about semi-modular power supply. Here, the wiring is done mainly for the CM and CPU cables. These are fixed, optional and detachable.

Computer power supply: what is it for?

Before explaining the different actual functions of a power system, it is important to first understand this concept. The PC power supply is therefore considered the main component of a computer’s electrical energy management. Known as a power supply, the primary purpose of the latter is to convert power or alternating current from the mains or outlet into another type of power called direct (consumed) by the computer.

In fact, this electronic device is essential for any type of computer. In fact, household outlets provide variable electrical voltage. Generally, the standard in this area is 220 V and practically 50 Hz. However, your computer only requires an electrical voltage of about 12 volts. Most of the time, it runs on 5V DC or even 3.3V in some cases.

All computers consume energy. And not a little, as evidenced by the electricity bill at the end of each month. From the processor to the hard drive, including the graphics card or RAM, all these components are affected, regardless of whether some of them are more demanding than others.

Therefore, the role of the computer power supply will be to provide the computer with consumable power and reduce the voltage. It is a way to provide the necessary and good quality power to your computer. Very often, electrical instability (surge or sag) causes damage to your devices. It can definitely end the life of your computer. A quality power source will reduce all these risks and keep your computer safe.

PC power supply selection criteria

Like all components necessary to run a PC, choosing a power supply is not an operation to be done in a hurry. It is therefore important that all the conditions are met in order to be convinced that you are making a good investment. Here are the criteria to consider and not neglect when deciding to buy a power supply for your machine.

The authority

This is one of the parameters that must be analyzed very carefully. The wattage of a power supply for your computer tells you how much power your computer needs to power it. This amount of electricity is expressed in watts (W). So it will depend on your machine usage. If, for example, you have a Desktop equipped with classic multimedia software or applications, it is certain that its operating energy will be below 350 W.

On the other hand, if you use a machine with many types of applications in addition to the most basic ones, its operating energy will be higher and could exceed 350 W. It should also be said that PC games also have a certain energy requirement. All things considered, the power of the power device. In addition, a notebook dedicated to intensive use equipped with multiple motherboards, high-powered software… and significant storage capacity, its energy input will be around 500 Watts.

To be clear, an entry-level computer will consume around 400 W of power, while higher-end computers may require power ranging between 500 and 600 W. So we can understand why it is necessary to analyze the power of your computer power supply . This small, harmless gesture will allow you to avoid any risk of overheating or overheating that could lead to damage to the computer.

Performance and security

For safety measures, current regulations require compliance with computer power supply safety standards. This is a technical means, or even a know-how, that makes it possible to distinguish the quality of the product and the performance it presents. Therefore, you will have inscriptions that will give you more information about the performance level of your device. Performance levels vary from one power supply to another. They are classified as follows:

  • 80 Plus Bronze
  • 80 Plus Silver
  • 80 Plus Or
  • 80 Plus Platinum.

In fact, if you have a power supply at the 80 Plus performance level, it means that your equipment is of better quality. Why ? It should be said that this label is awarded to PC power supplies that have an efficiency of 80%, regardless of whether the load is 20.50 or 100%. It is actually the level of output power between what is supplied and what is consumed. You need to be careful and focus your choice on an electronic tool that will guarantee optimal performance.


You must understand that each power supply has two connectors or connection cables. They are available and given to you when you purchase your electronic power tool. This is the 4-pin ATX 20 cable for powering the computer motherboard and the ATX P4/ATX 12V cable that makes it easy to power your computer’s brain or processor. In practice, the connectors must be able to ensure a good connection between the different electrical and electronic systems of your computer. You will benefit from it being of quality to fully play its role and avoid unpleasant situations or fires.

The figure

In the electronics or computer device market, you will find power supplies of different sizes or shapes. The ATX format (15 x 14 x 8.6 cm), for example, is the most visible and most used computer power supply. The latter is recommended for all laptop models, with the exception of a small model. The relative powers vary between 350 and 1,000 watts. Small computer models, on the other hand, need a reduced form factor adapted to their size. The most used is the SFX (12.5 x 10 x 6.5 cm), with a relative power of 350 watts. Be sure to choose the format that best suits your computer, knowing that it is not done in a hurry.

The enclosure

The cables can be covered or not and it’s up to you to choose your computer model. However, it should be noted that the sheathing ensures more practical use of cables with layers of assembled wires.

Noise pollution

The sound level of a powered computer depends on the specifics of its fan. We generally consider its size and quality. When the ventilation is silent under load, it means that its quality leaves nothing to be desired.

The large gauge fan benefits from an excellent level of ventilation because air circulates easily. In addition, it is quieter and therefore less noisy. So you will have the so-called “passive” power supplies, that is, those that do not have a fan.

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