No more typing! The keyboard of the future has arrived…

Written By Adarsh Shankar Jha

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Imagine a world where copying text no longer involves tedious manual input. A world where, with a single click, you instantly integrate information from the real world around you into your text messages. This dream is coming true thanks to the revolutionary new feature of Gboard, Google’s digital keyboard: real-time text scanning.

No more juggling between apps

No more going back and forth between your email and Google Lens to capture a phone number that appears on a billboard or a quote from a book. Gboard now includes a scanning tool with direct keyboard access.

Simple and intuitive operation

With a simple tap on the special icon, your smartphone’s camera is activated within Gboard itself. Take a photo of the text you want to scan and Google’s AI will recognize it and convert it into digital form.

Awesome accuracy

With the latest advances in optical character recognition (OCR), Gboard offers optimal scanning accuracy. Whether it is a complex handwritten font or text printed in difficult lighting conditions, the application guarantees faithful and error-free reproduction.

Significant time and efficiency savings

This innovative feature proves to be particularly useful in many everyday situations. Whether you’re a student, an entrepreneur, or just concerned about your productivity, real-time text scanning allows you to save valuable time and improve your efficiency in your written communications.

Unlimited application possibilities

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No more typing! The keyboard of the future has arrived… 2

Beyond simple text scanning, this technology paves the way for many other innovative applications. Imagine being able to instantly translate foreign texts, copy information from a web page without leaving your browser, or even scan barcodes to get detailed information about a product.

Gboard: towards a future where the keyboard becomes a real personal assistant

Real-time text scanning is only the first step in a promising development. By incorporating increasingly smarter and smarter features, Gboard positions itself as a true personal assistant capable of simplifying and optimizing our daily interactions with the digital world.

In conclusion, Gboard’s real-time text scanning represents a major advance in digital keyboards. This innovative feature offers significant time and efficiency savings while opening the way to many promising applications. Gboard thus confirms its status as a next-generation keyboard, able to meet the growing needs of users in terms of communication and productivity.

Key points of innovation:

  • Real-time text scanning directly from Gboard
  • High precision optical character recognition
  • Saving time and efficiency in written communications
  • Wide range of possible applications
  • Gboard positions itself as a true personal assistant

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