OpenAI boss taking Sora tech to Hollywood, report claims | Digital Trends

OpenAI boss taking Sora tech to Hollywood, report claims |  Digital Trends

Written By Adarsh Shankar Jha


OpenAI’s new text-to-video AI model dropped jaws on the floor recently when the company offered examples of what it can do.

Sora, as it’s called, creates stunningly realistic footage from descriptive text inputs, and while a close look can sometimes reveal slight flaws in the images, the technology has left many wondering just how much it could disrupt the TV and film industry. .

OpenAI isn’t the only one working on AI-powered text-to-video tools, but Sora’s clips it was truly something to see. With the cutting-edge tool only getting better, and Microsoft’s power to support OpenAI’s efforts, change is in the air.

OpenAI chief Sam Altman certainly hopes so, as he heads to meetings with Hollywood bigwigs this week to convince them to incorporate his new AI video generator into their work, according to Bloomberg report on Saturday citing sources with knowledge of the matter.

In fact, it looks like these won’t be the first meetings AI representatives have had with key players in the movie studio, as several gatherings have reportedly taken place over the past month.

Sora has yet to be released to the public, but OpenAI has “already granted access to some major actors and directors,” according to Bloomberg.

In a statement, OpenAI told the news site: “OpenAI has a deliberate strategy of working with industry through an iterative development process — developing AI advances in phases — to ensure safe implementation and give people an idea of what’s on the horizon We look forward to an ongoing dialogue with artists and creatives.”

As Bloomberg points out, artificial intelligence is an extremely sensitive issue in the entertainment industry. A dispute over how to develop it was one of the reasons writers and actors recently went on strike. Many fear that technology will take their jobs or, at the very least, reduce their ability to earn a decent living.

While OpenAI’s text-to-video tool is undoubtedly an exciting piece of technology, Sora and other text-to-video generators are an unsettling prospect for many artists, and with Altman meeting major studio figures to discuss the technology, many will have increased concerns about what will come next.

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