Spotify error on PS5: The solution!

Spotify error on PS5: The solution!

Written By Adarsh Shankar Jha

Bug de Spotify sur la PS5

Want to listen to music on PlayStation 5 with Spotify? But no luck, you have one Spotify bug on your ___ PS5 ? Do not panic ! Here’s what you should do!

What is the Spotify error on PS5?

The Spotify bug on PS5 manifested by can’t play songs or podcasts in the Spotify app installed on your console.

You may see an error message like “Spotify playback not working” the “Unable to connect to Spotify” appear on the screen.

This error can be due to several reasons, including:

  • ONE bad internet connection
  • And Spotify server problem the the PSN server
  • ONE missing operating system update console or In the Spotify app
  • And conflict with other applications open in the console

How to fix Spotify error on PS5?

Fortunately, there is many solutions shed fix Spotify error on PS5 and rediscover the pleasure of listening to your favorite music or podcast. Here are the steps to follow to resolve the issue:

Method 1: Restart your PlayStation 5 console

The first thing you need to do is restart your PlayStation 5 console by following these instructions:

  • Press it PS button on your controller to access the fast menu
Credit: Furansu Japan
Credit: Furansu Japan
  • Choose Food > Turn off the console
  • So wait a few seconds turn it on again the console by pressing it on – off button
  • Open In the Spotify app and check if the error is fixed

This method makes it possible to restore the internet connection and his close applications which could interfere with Spotify.

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Method 2: Check Spotify Server Status

The error may be due to a problem with the Spotify serverwhich prevents the app from connecting and playing the songs or podcast.

To check Spotify server status, you can check the official Twitter account @SpotifyStatuswhich publishes real time information about the possible malfunctions of the service. If the Spotify server is damagedyou should wait for it to be restored before you can use the app normally.

Spotify error on PS5 3
Spotify error on PS5: The solution! 3

Method 3: Check PSN Server Status

Similarly, it is possible that the error is related to a problem with the PSN server (PlayStation Network), which manages the online console services PlayStation 5.

To check PSN server status, you can check the official website Statut du PlayStation Networkwhich it displays possible interruptions the service maintenance. If the PSN server is down, you’ll need to wait for it to be restored before you can use the Spotify app normally.

Method 4: Troubleshoot network connection issues

If your Spotify and PSN servers are up and running but you’re still experiencing the error, the internet connection is unstable or insufficient for the Spotify app to work properly.

Shed troubleshoot your network connectionyou can follow these tips:

  • Make sure your PlayStation 5 console is well connected to the internetwired or Wi-Fi
  • Check that out your router or internet box is working properly and there are no interferences or obstacles that could reduce the quality of the signal
  • try it network change or switch to airplane mode and then normal mode to refresh the connection
  • Test your internet connection speed using a website like Speed ​​test or with access to Settings > Network > Test your internet connection from your console
  • If your connection speed is very slow or unstable, contact your ISP to resolve the issue.

Method 5: Reinstall the Spotify app

If none of the above methods work, the error may be due to a problem with the Spotify app herself, who may be damaged or outdated.

In this case, the most radical solution is to reinstall the Spotify app on your PlayStation 5 console by following these steps:

  • Press it PS button on your controller to access the quick menu
  • Choose Spotify > Choices > DELETE
  • Wait for the application to be done uninstalledafterward restart your console
  • Access to PlayStation Store et search on Spotify
  • download et setting up the Spotify app on your console
  • Open the Spotify app and Connection to your account
  • Check if the error is fixed

Note: By reinstalling the Spotify app, you will lose the songs and podcasts you downloaded for offline listening. So you will have to download them again after fixing the error.


How do I control Spotify on my PS5 with my smartphone or tablet?

You can use the feature Spotify Connect to connect your smartphone or tablet to the PS5 console on the same network on the Spotify home screen. Give your playlist a name and press it X button for create.

  • Shed add songs to a playlistPress it square button when you are on the screen of a title you want to add. Choose Add to playlist and select the playlist you want to add the title to.
  • Shed remove songs from a playlistPress it square button when you’re on the screen of a playlist you want to modify. Choose Modifier for playlist and press it triangle button shed remove titles that you don’t want anymore.

How do I share my favorite music or podcasts from Spotify to my PS5?

You can share your favorite music or podcasts from Spotify to your PS5 using the following options:

Via PlayStation Network

  • Press it square button when you are on the screen of the title or podcast you want to share
  • Choose Share and select the friends with whom you want to share.
  • They will receive a Notification with a link to the title or podcast you sent them.

Via Twitter

  • Press it square button when you are on the screen of the title or podcast you want to share.
  • Choose Share and select Twitter
  • You will be redirected to the Twitter app where you can compose your tweet with the link to the title or podcast you want to share.

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