UC Berkeley research presents a machine learning system that can predict at near-human levels

UC Berkeley research presents a machine learning system that can predict at near-human levels

Written By Adarsh Shankar Jha

In the evolving landscape of predictive analytics, the art and science of forecasting are key decision-making tools in a variety of areas, from government policy to corporate strategy. Forecasting has relied heavily on statistical methods, thriving on abundant data and minimal changes to underlying patterns. However, critical forecasting has introduced a differentiated approach, leveraging human intuition, domain knowledge, and various information sources to predict future events under data scarcity and uncertainty.

The challenge in predictive forecasting lies in its inherent complexity and the limitations of existing methodologies. Statistical models, while powerful, often need to catch up in scenarios characterized by data sparsity or significant changes in data distribution. Critical forecasting, however, introduces the human element, with all its knowledge and biases, into the equation. This method relies on forecasters’ ability to synthesize information from various sources, including historical data and current events, to make informed predictions about future outcomes.

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A research team from UC Berkeley has developed a new LM pipeline, an augmented retrieval language model system specifically designed for predictions. This system automates critical elements of the forecasting process, including retrieving relevant information from news sources, reasoning based on the data gathered, and aggregating individual forecasts into a comprehensive forecast. The core of this innovation lies in its ability to leverage web-scale data and the rapid analysis capabilities of LMs, offering a scalable and efficient alternative to traditional forecasting methods.


The system combines different approaches to achieve comprehensive coverage in prediction by breaking down questions into sub-questions and using search queries. Articles are retrieved from News API and filtered based on relevance scores provided by GPT-3.5-Turbo. The articles are then condensed to fit in the context window of the language model. Reasoning is an important aspect of accurate prediction, and the system uses scratchpad hints to guide the model’s reasoning process. It aggregates predictions from different models to improve accuracy, and the retrieval and inference system is optimized through a hyperparameter scan, including optimization prompts, article abstracts, and assembly methods. This complex process allows for a more informed and nuanced approach to prediction, leveraging the vast knowledge and rapid processing capabilities of language models.

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The researchers are very positive with the results obtained from the study. In a comprehensive set of tests, the system achieved an average Brier score of 0.179, coming very close to the human overall score of 0.149, indicating that the language model-based prediction system closely approximates and in some cases the accuracy of human predictions aggregated by competing platforms. This finding suggests an important potential for language models to contribute to prognostic predictions, offering accurate predictions at scale and facilitating more informed decision-making processes.

In conclusion, the study presents a compelling case for the integration of linguistic models in the field of prediction and highlights the potential of these tools to enhance prediction accuracy and efficiency. While the journey from research to real-world application involves many challenges and considerations, the UC Berkeley team’s seminal work marks an important step forward in ongoing efforts for more reliable and accessible forecasting methods. The implications of this research extend beyond academic interest, promising to influence decision-making processes in government, business and beyond as we navigate future uncertainties.

check it Paper. All credit for this research goes to the researchers of this project. Also, don’t forget to follow us Twitter and Google news. Participation Our 38k+ ML SubReddit, 41k+ Facebook Community, Discord Channeland LinkedIn Groops.

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Bio picture Nikhil

Nikhil is a practicing consultant at Marktechpost. He is pursuing a comprehensive dual degree in Materials at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Nikhil is an AI/ML enthusiast who is always researching applications in areas such as biomaterials and biomedical science. With a strong background in Materials Science, he explores new developments and creates opportunities to contribute.

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